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Papers published:
Research Article
pp. 1-14
doi: 10.12924/cis2016.04020001
| Volume 4 (2016) | Issue 2
Paul Fenton
1, *
and Henner Busch
2, 3
1 Division of Environmental Technology & Management, Linko ̈ping University, Sweden |
2 Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies, Sweden |
3 Lund University Centre of Excellence for Integration of Social and Natural Dimension of Sustainability, Sweden |
* Corresponding author |
Publication Date: 21 June 2016
An increasing body of literature explores the role of transnational municipal networks (TMNs) in governing sustainable development. As associations, one key task of TMNs is to represent their members through production and dissemination of information and knowledge concerning municipal action for sustainable development. Case studies, often emphasising best practice, are used by many TMNs to fulfil this task. Nevertheless, despite strong scrutiny concerning the use of case studies in “policy mobilities” research, there have been limited attempts to quantify the ways in which TMNs present and disseminate case studies and, by doing so, generate trends of presence and absence in literature on sustainable development. Assessing patterns of representation for continents, countries, municipalities and themes across nine international case study collections published by ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability since 1991, this study responds to this research gap and identifies the presence of “usual suspects” in the ICLEI case study collections, along with notable absentees. By doing so, the study contributes to policy mobilities research and literature on TMNs, by encouraging reflection and further research concerning the representation patterns influencing which municipalities and what topics are presented in discourses on sustainable development.
pp. 15-16
doi: 10.12924/cis2016.04020015
| Volume 4 (2016) | Issue 2
David Harnesk
1, 2
1 Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies, Lund, Sweden |
2 Lund University Centre of Excellence for the Integration of the Social and Natural Dimensions of Sustainability, Lund, Sweden |
Publication Date: 12 December 2016
The book “Energy and Transport in Green Transitions – Perspectives on Ecomodernity” deals with the societally and scientifically crucial topic of energy and climate change mitigation. The book starts by setting high ambitions as the authors attempt “to go beyond both the extremism of the anti-capitalist critique and the radical enthusiasm of techno-economic positivism” in their exploration to find ways to resolve political, economic and technological entanglements “to boost a greener economy and culture”. It aims to so through a regional comparative study that looks at mature Western economies, the rapidly developing China, and the developing economies in sub-Saharan Africa. The authors present an excellent descriptive historical review for those interested in the broader picture of energy production and automobile sector in the regions addressed. However, in an attempt to cover as much ground as possible while assuring "maximum accessibility”, the authors' explanation of the dynamics of change involved is not conveyed in an analytically convincing manner.