Emerging Perspectives on Post-Conflict Police-Community Relations
Department of International Environment and Development Studies, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), Ås, Norway |
The world is increasingly interconnected—insecurity in one country can both directly and indirectly affect the security of people, countries and regions that are far away. Therefore, when conflict erupts in one part of the world, the international community responds in various ways to mitigate its effects, both locally and internationally. Whether it be through the provision of police, military and/or civilian personnel, humanitarian assistance, or post-conflict development assistance, the international community has repeatedly attempted to mitigate the effects of conflict, as well as to contribute to reforms which might lead to the prevention of local and global insecurity in the future.
Keywords: Community-Based Policing; Police Reform; International Police Advising; Africa; South Asia; Eastern Europe; Central America; Post-Conflict; Human Security; Development